This is my first post. Here’s a bit about who I am and why I started this blog :).

Who am I?

Professionally by day, I’m a senior machine learning engineer. I have about 10 years of software engineering experience, two Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees, and a Master of Science (MS) degree. I’m passionate for solving real world problems with applied artificial intelligence. I’m currently enjoying the intersection of deep generative learning, reinforcement learning, and digital signal processing. In my spare time, I make music (toured in a band for 2 years), play tennis (ex-soccer), and travel.

Why am I doing this?

As a proponent of continuous-learning, online-education, and decentralization of knowledge, the purpose of this blog is to share concepts that I’ve found to be interesting, practical, and application-effective. Additionally, accurately reproducing information aids in retention of that information; in other words, I’m learning too.


The content of this blog, in entirety, is not affiliated with any of my previous or current employer(s).